
© Max Richens 2000-2004. Feel free to pass them on and modify for your own needs

When I was diagnosed as suffering from Dermatitis Herpetiformis it was recommended that I went on a gluten free diet. In other words:- no Wheat, Barley or Oameal or products containing them. This took a lot of things out and most of the commercial stuff was also prepared for yeast and dairy free diets.. a bit of a catch all. Some of the gluten free breads available had all the consistency of a thinly sliced insulation brick (and most of the flavour). The advantage was that six weeks into the diet the symptoms went away and I began sleeping again. At present lapses let themselves be known by irritating return of the syptoms.

A search round the found some recipes which I set about modifying to my needs as most are American and a touch sweeter than I like.

My main trials were to get a replacement for bread and after a while I got down to a basic flour recipe on which I could build. Having a large city nearby means I can get a lot of ingredients from Indian and Chinese Supermarkets without paying Health Food Store prices. You would need to test the ingredients yourself as I probably have more tolerance that would a Coeliac.

  1. One part Rice Flour
  2. One part Glutinous (sticky) Rice Flour
  3. One part Potato Flour

To this base I added things like Corn Flour, Cornmeal, Soya Flour, Tapioca flour ,Gram flour, Buckwheat flour ( not wheat but a relative of rhubarb!), Millet flour and Quinnoia ( a little strong flavoured) . My initial tests were as soda breads but these did not have the keeping properties I wanted. They were super when hot and like rock the next morning.

I found a source of Xanthan gum to put back some of the stickiness that is needed. Now I have buns ( no jokes at the back) that will freeze well and keep out for well over 24 hrs and also prepare loaves that can be cut and frozen and keeps well enough in a bread bin.

Obviously you need to keep an eye on on the vitamin and nutritional needs as without some soy or gram flours there is very little protein. Commercial wheat bakers now have to put a number of substances, such as folic acid, into their product to replace those removed in the flour refining process..

The following breads are numbered in the order of development. Obviously my preference is for the most recent but others may prefer the closer texture from the earlier loaves. The Favourite #3 is too sloppy to make buns unless you have muffin rings. Use #2

My Favourite Bread loaf #3 modified for light white loaf. Very good keeping and eating

This was heavily modified from one given in 'The Gluten Free Gourmet' by Betty Hagman (Look in Waterstones under diet books). I cut down a lot on the sugar as it was much too sweet, and added a little salt. I also adjusted the gum slightly and did without the guar gum.

White Loaf

  1. Flour Mix 600gram
  2. Tapioca flour 70gram
  3. Salt 1.5 tsp
  4. Sugar 2 tsp
  5. Xanthan Gum 2 tsp
  6. Eggs 1
  7. Vinegar 1.5 tsp
  8. Warm liquid ( milk/water) 380gram
  9. Olive oil 3 tbsp
  10. yeast Dried yeast 2.5 tsp
  11. sugar 1 tsp
  12. liquid 1/2 cup .


Add the dry yeast with the 1 tsp of sugar and the ½ cup of warm liquid and allow the yeast to activate. Grease a 2 lb loaf tin and lightly flour. Mixing Add the dry ingredients and mix thouroughly. When mixed add the wet ingredients and mix thouroughly. The consistency should be similar to cake mix. Beat/mix for several minutes to ensure that the gum is well distributed and will act on the liquid.

Put into the bread tin, it should be half full, and leave covered in a warm place to double. Preheat the oven to Gas 8 and then put the loaf in the middle to cook. After 10 minutes cover the top of the loaf with foil to prevent it burning and then continue to cook for a further 50 minutes. Turn the loaf out of the tin and finish off for a further 3-5 minutes. Allow to cool and then eat. It can be sliced and frozen for eating later but it does keep for a couple of days if stored in a bag

Bread 2 lb mix #1 slightly better for buns.

Bread 2 lb. loaf #2 modified by Maggie and Jenny for a much improved loaf

Lasagne attempt #2. 2003 Much improved

Yorkshire pudding mix. Excellent

Maggie's Sweet Pastry

Maggie's Choux pastry

Max's biscuits

Max's muffins. excellent.


Gulten-free Products incuding Xanthan GumSell various mixes for breads, cakes and treats for Coeliac condition. Xanthan Gum

Coeliac Society Have recommended gluten free supplies